How engaged are users of different social platforms?
Back in June 2011, we shared an infographic showing what happens in 60 seconds in social media, now we're updating it with a new infographic from Social JumpStart. This one has some additions including Pinterest showing that for all our current interest in Pinterest it's nothing compared to YouTube. It's a pity they haven't included Google+ either.
It certainly summarises the challenges we face today as marketers and consumers of content today!

How do you find this - exciting? or scary? I find it both - to be involved in such a dynamic area, but which presents huge challenges in being first and getting cut-through. I created a companion post taming the social media firehose which shared ideas on tools I used to keep up-to-date.
Here is the original from June 2011.

Source - Go Gulf blog
What does this mean for our emarketing tactics. For me it shows that to cut-through:
- Your content, creative, execution hav e to be awesome - cut-through costs
- Being first can help cut-through
- You have to share efficiently
- You need to be connected to relevant influencers
- You have to syndicate content to the right platforms
- Offline marketing through Ads and PR are still important to generate awareness
I've been planning a post for around a year on how to "tame the social media update firehose" so maybe now I should write it with this prompt.