Benchmark the priority areas for your digital marketing strategy
The fact is, there isn't a perfect time for any benchmarking, so now as good a time as any to take a little time to reflect on your team or your organisations strenghts and weaknesses and how you feel that's bearing up against your top 2 or 3 competitors. So much changes in a year, internally and externally, and there's a lot to be said for a pragmatic review to ensure that your focus and undoubtedly limited resources are in the right place for 2012.
With this in mind, we decided to create a new Internet marketing benchmark tool for our Expert members.
What exactly do you health check?

The Healthcheck tool now available to Expert members
It's a little like going to a health clinic for a check-up, we believe, there are some key areas to think about. The difference is that you can do a lot of this yourself -- and ask key team members to do the same. For simplicity and consistency with the rest of the Smart Insights website we've designed the tool around the RACE framework.
With roughly 10 questions in each of 4 categories the simple questionnaire only takes 15-20 minutes to complete. We'd then recommend an internal discussion with other's answers for 45 minutes - to agree the focus areas and priorities and ensure you're building those into your programme of work. It's got to be worth an hour of your time?
The benefits of benchmarking
- Ask difficult strategic questions over detail tactical questions
- Become more self-aware, of yourself, your team and your organisation
- Get other's opinions and check that you are all seeing the same blocks
- An easy and pragmatic way to prioritise what matters at the strategic level
Now available to Expert Members
Our Healthcheck tool is currently available to Expert members only, though we're intending to bring an interactive 'light' version for everyone in the coming few months.
You can learn more here.