10 useful tips for writing copy for businesses to increase the conversion rate of your website
B2B copywriting is a different ball game to B2C copy, but a lot of the same principles apply. If you're writing to appeal to other businesses, then you need to look into creating a cohesive strategy that really brings in the business. If you're looking to improve your ROI, here 10 tips that will get you started.
1. Review your analytics
Look at what's already on your website. What's the data that people are returning to again and again? What pages aren't being visited? You can get a great idea of what other businesses want by looking at your analytics. From this data, you can create a new strategy to draw them in.
2. Avoid the hard sell
The hard sell may have worked once upon a time, but nowadays it just doesn't fly. No one wants to be told that they must buy your product. Instead, you need to convince them. Focus on how your product can benefit them, and why they should consider using it. You don't have to go too softly, but don't force your product on the reader.
3. Don't overload the reader
Obviously, you're proud of your product and want everyone to know just how great it is. However, resist the temptation to list everything that you get with your product. Readers can become overwhelmed, and then they can't decide on whether they want your product or not. You want to give them enough so they can see it's a good idea to buy, but then make them come to you for the fine details.
4. Make your Call To Action clear
Be clear on what you want the reader to do once they've read your copy. You need to show them what to do next, in an obvious and meaningful way. For example, if you want them to sign up for a newsletter, don't put the link all the way down at the bottom in a tiny font. Create a large, attention-grabbing button that says 'Sign up now!' The reader can't be in any doubt what they need to do next. According to Michael Aagaard’s study, the answer lies in the messaging. “Order” emphasizes what you have to do – not what you’re going to receive. Whereas “Get” emphasizes what you’re going to receive – rather than what you have to do to get it. In other words, the treatment copy conveys value.
5. Be professional in your tone
When writing for customers you probably take on a lighter tone, drawing them in by being friendly towards them. Writing for B2B conversion though, you need to be more professional in your tone. That's because your tone will represent your commitment to the project at hand. You'll also be writing for senior executives, who will look at your writing as a representation of your business as a whole.
6. Think hard about your headline
Your headline, as with all copy, is something that will draw the reader in and get them interested in your product. When writing for the B2B audience, remember that more bombastic headlines won't work here. You're looking to meet a need that a business has. Rather than using a headline like 'You Won't Believe How This Product Can Help Your Business!' you should write 'How This Product Can Help Anyone In The Textiles Industry'. Give them a headline that addresses a specific need, and answers that need.
7. Your homepage needs to be perfect
If a reader lands on your homepage, they need to be able to find what they need instantly. If they can't find it, then they'll click away as they don't have the time to sift through your site to get to the page they need.
Look at what your site offers, and make it easy for readers to get what they want. For example, if your business sells writing services, break the page up into the sections that readers will want. Include links for 'prices', 'services', and 'discounts'. Using your analytics from earlier will help you decide what needs to be front and center.
8. Know your client
Of course, just as with writing for customers, you need to know what your client wants from you. You know what you sell, but is it what the client wants? For example, you may sell a cleaning service, so they'll want a fast, thorough service from you that works around the people in their office. How can you meet that need?
9. Learn the language your target audience uses
You shouldn't fill your posts full of jargon, but knowing what language your audience uses is very helpful. If you use it in your posts, then you show the reader that you've done your research. They're more likely to listen to you if it's clear that you know your stuff.
10. Use helpful online tools
If there are tools at your disposal, there's no reason why you shouldn't use them. As well as the well-known Grammarly and Byword there are plenty of other helpful tools you can use when writing your B2B copy. Headline Analyzer is useful to get the lowdown on your chosen headline. It'll give you a range of stats so you can see just how effective it will be. Easy Word Count will give you quick and accurate word count of any text you paste into it. This is a good way of tracking how long your posts are getting.
With these tips, you can get the readers in and convert them with much less effort. It just takes some tweaks to your current writing style. Give it a try, and you'll see just what a difference these tips can make to your business.

Brenda Berg is a professional with over 15 years of experience in business management, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Consultant and tutor at Australian Help and Assignment Help for entrepreneurs. She is always interested in ways which can help individuals reach their full potential.