Chart of the Day: A summary of the state of digital marketing skills
I thought this infographic from General Assembly was useful for showing specific skills gaps since it isn't based on a survey, rather it is based on a test taken at the end of a digital marketing qualification. We will be sharing research we have done in collaboration with the IDM on the perceptions of marketers to their careers later in the month.

The top of the chart shows a skills gap amongst non digital marketing specialists that might be expected since those focusing on digital marketing activities will naturally understand digital concepts better. It is arguable whether corporate marketers need to know the details of techniques like search, display and AB testing. However, they will need to discuss such techniques with their teams, so this does hint at a skills gap.
The other parts of the chart show that technical skills have the biggest gaps. Questions about Attribution, SEO, AB testing, Programmatic and data analysis related to understanding marketing funnels had the biggest gaps.