Comments on: Which are the most important retail e-commerce traffic sources? Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Tue, 21 Feb 2023 16:56:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Chaffey Tue, 09 Feb 2016 08:09:14 +0000 In reply to Jordan McClements (@PPCNI).

Thanks for your assessment Jordan – I don’t think they are biased against PPC – they provide a reviews service and they will track the referrer string through their tag (unless their not including the Google Click ID from AdWords).

I think Paid may reference Display? Search = SEO and AdWords.

It’s why I included the Custora Pulse data – that shows how important PPC is for the larger businesses they survey.

As Rob says you always have to look at sample and bias. It’s like the surveys of email marketers where the top tool is rated as email marketing!

By: Robert Allen Mon, 08 Feb 2016 11:47:20 +0000 In reply to Jordan McClements (@PPCNI).

Thanks for your thoughts Jordan. Interesting points and certainly some food for thought.

Its always important to understand the inherent bias in any report or research. It’s a bit like if Facebook produced a report on the effectiveness of paid ads on Facebook. It might provide a lot of useful stats, but you still have to take it with a pinch of salt.

By: Jordan McClements (@PPCNI) Fri, 05 Feb 2016 13:21:57 +0000 Thanks for the info.

But seems to me that Yotpo customers are doing PPC all wrong.

I guess their figures are heavily biased against PPC (looking at the services they provide).

It’s a bit like me (PPC person) doing a study looking at all my clients who spend large amounts on PPC which shows that social accounts for relatively little. (By the way it usually does account for very little from what I’ve seen over the last 9 years or so when it come to actual sales – even if you do take into account ‘dark’ social).

Though you’ve got me thinking, maybe I’ll start including ‘Dark’ PPC traffic in my reports from now on 🙂

And like you said (pretty much) their figures would be a lot more useful if it showed transaction values rather than just visits. (Another PPC example – you can get millions of cheap clicks from the Display network which don’t convert for you – certainly cheaper than social if you factor in the amount of time you have to spend on it).

Just my 2 pence worth..
