Google's new shopping insights tool offers useful data to ecommerce marketers
It might feel too early for a lot of people but the holiday season has already started for the retail industry. Lights are being turned on by celebrities, merchandisers are arranging fancy new window displays, and a new Michael Bublé record is heading to the top of the charts. While the attention might be on the bright lights of every high street and shopping centers, the real winner will be the ecommerce industry with continued growth expected.
I was browsing for the must-have toys of 2016 and stumbled across an amazing tool from Think with Google - Shopping Insights. This tool is still in beta but has a wealth of data allowing you to explore trends and popularity of consumer products across the U.S.

As you would expect, the volume of people looking for toys online peaks during the holiday season. Interestingly though over the last 2 years, the incline to the peak has started earlier in the 3rd quarter. Each year the general public complain the holiday season starts earlier and earlier but looking at this data, the brands are following consumer demand.