Did you know that over half of display ads aren't viewable
The lesson is to choose the right media companies with better viewability, particularly when paying on a cost per thousand basis. Apparently it's nothing new that 56% of display ad impressions across Google's platforms aren't viewable and has been brought to the forefront, by the recent research from Google,
Google's Infographic provides insight into 5 key factors to help you maximise your ad visibility; covering the importance of ad sizes and page position.

So what does this mean for Advertisers?
There are going to be more stringent guidelines and some may be struck off if they don't provide above 50% viewability. If you are advertising, it's recommended to plan and research, looking at your viewability inventory, which you can measure with Google's measurement tool, Active View . To improve your advertising, you can learn more about Google's 8 updates to it's DoubleClick Verification.
There may also be a shift to buy ads on 'viewable impressions' instead of 'served' .