Chart of the Day: Research for 2018 shows the dramatic growth of Snapchat and Facebook static for most age groups in the UK
The government-commissioned annual "Communications Market Review" is one of the best sources for compiling data on Internet and Social Media usage.
Variations in age-related usage of social networks
The latest report, published last month has a good visualization summarising the most recent changes in use of the main social networks between 2016 to 2018:

The visualization gives a great summary of the changes in three of the main consumer network:
- Facebook - Static or declining in most age groups except the older (55+ age group) which is now the biggest group of users
- Instagram - Increase in usage across all age groups with the largest, the 25 to 34 age group followed by 18 to 24
- Snapchat - The largest increase and biggest user group is again the 25 to 34 age group showing that Snapchat isn't just for teens. Indeed, there are also increases in users in older age groups which are not far behind the younger age groups in adoption levels. However, the frequency of use isn't considered in this compilation.
Twitter is not shown in this compilation
Research source