Guides and Templates

How to sell on Amazon as a ‘marketplace’ seller

Learn how to effectively sell your products to Amazon’s customers as a marketplace seller

How will this guide help me and my business?

Amazon accounted for 47% of online retail in the US according to recent compilations. 51% of sales come from third party merchants. And that’s growing. This means Amazon can be considered as the biggest selling channel for products.

However, when selling on Amazon, there are strict rules to follow and competition is tight. Marketing is therefore crucial, and the most successful sellers are very skilled at keeping up with changes and at promoting their products.

This guide will help you:

  • Check whether your business is a good fit
  • Amazon seller account setup checklist to start selling
  • How to list your products
  • The best Amazon selling strategies
  • How to master Amazon SEO
  • Ship orders yourself or use Amazon FBA

Note on the Amazon marketplace branding

Previously Amazon had a defined 'Amazon marketplace' and referenced other brands and retailers selling on Amazon as 'marketplace sellers'. It's recent naming convention is to no longer uses the term 'marketplace' instead referencing 'Sellers' and 'Selling on Amazon'. We reference 'marketplace' since many people still refer to the marketplace.

Who is this guide for?

Everyone involved with managing an e-commerce website or has a product to sell. This includes both other retailers and brands selling direct to consumers on Amazon. This guide is aimed at helping these roles:

  • Amazon marketplace Account Managers
  • Retailers selling directly to Amazon marketplaces
  • Retailers selling via Amazon

How is this guide structured?

This guide is structured into four main sections:

  1. Check whether your business is a good fit for Amazon
  2. Amazon seller account checklist
  3. Selling strategies
  4. Three techniques on how to master Amazon SEO

Resource Details

  • Author: Luca Tagliaferro
  • Format: Online long form article

About the author

Luca Tagliaferro

Luca Tagliaferro is a multi-lingual (English, Italian, French) experienced digital marketing and analytics specialist, with seven years’ experience in SaaS, e-commerce, and the public sector. Luca’s main skills are project and agencies management, advanced Google Analytics and Tag Manager, SEO, PPC. Additionally, Luca holds a Master Degree in Digital Marketing from a leading UK university, he is Google Ads and Analytics Individual certified, and a confident public speaker.

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