Our roundup of the key stats you need to know to be successful with Snapchat marketing in 2017
Snapchat added more users in one year than Twitter did in 4. It has grown to be larger than Twitter and Pinterest despite being far younger. It pioneered the concept of 'ephemeral messaging' which is now so popular it has been copied by a number of other social messaging apps, and its stories feature has famously been copied by Instagram, Facebook, and What's App. Its incredible growth has obviously attracted marketers, who salivate menacingly at the prospect of reaching so many impressionable young millennials.
Before you jump into using Snapchat for marketing, make sure you know the size of the opportunity and how users are interacting with the platform. We've put together a list of 18 essential snapchat marketing stats divided across the Smart Insight RACE framework to get you up to speed with all things Snapchat.
Reach - What is the size of the audience?
- Snapchat has over 300 million active users (Source: Omnicore)
- Over 400 million snaps are sent every day (Source: Adweek)
- Of those users, over 160 million are active daily. (Source: Snapchat's IPO paperwork)
- Snapchat reaches 41% of 18-34 year olds in the US every day (Source: Wall Street Journal)
- 71 % of Snapchat users are under 35 years old (Source: Omnicore)

Act - Who uses Snapchat and how do they use it?
- The average snapchat user under 25 visits snapchat over 20 times per day. (Source: AdWeek)
- Snapchat is the most used social network by those under 24. (Source: Edison Research)
- The average snapchat user spends 25-30 minutes on the platform every day (Souce: Omnicore)
- 77 % of US college students use Snapchat daily. 71% of female college share selfies on Snapchat (Source: Mashable)
- 54% of Snapchat users log in at least once per day (Source: Adweek)

Convert -Advertising on Snapchat
- On average 60% of Snap Ads are watched with the sound turned on (Source: Snapchat)
- Total spend on Snapchat ads is expected to grow to $767 billion by 2020 (Source: Snapchat)
- A sponsored lens across the US can cost between $450,000 and $750,000 per day (Source: Wall Street Journal)
- A Geo-filer ad delivered nationally will be seen by 40-60% of Snapchats daily users (Source: Snapchat)

Engage - How are users engaging with brands?
- Users spend an average of 24 seconds playing with a branded lens on snapchat (Source: Business Insider)
- 55% of Snapchat users report that they follow one or more brands or businesses on the platform (Source: Aytm)
- More than 50 percent of Snapchat users will open a brand's story, and more than 85 percent of them will watch the entire story (Source: Campaign)
- 64 percent of new brand followers will search for brands by the username, while approximately 25 percent will use Snapcodes and less than 10 percent will use deep links (Source: Snaplytics)